Constipation Treatment
Constipation is a very common issue affecting people of all ages. Signs of constipation include straining and pain whilst on the toilet, having a large stool that is dry and hard to pass, and not having a poo at least 3 times in the course of a week. Other symptoms include stomach ache and bloating. Causes can be wide-ranged, including not eating enough fibre, not having enough fluids, stress, depression, not being physically active, sitting or lying in bed for long periods, changing diet or daily routine, and ignoring the urge to go to the toilet, among others. Constipation is also common during pregnancy and for about 6 weeks after giving birth.
Managing Constipation Through Diet
There are many things that affect constipation and there are many things you can do to manage it. While laxatives can be useful, there are different types that do different jobs and they should be used differently.
The team at City Dietitians is highly experienced in issues such as constipation. We would be delighted to work with you to understand the dietary factors that may be driving your symptoms and find dietary solutions without the further need for laxatives.​

How We Can Help: Meet Our Specialist Dietitians
Sophie Medlin & Dr. Bridgette Wilson
Dr Bridgette Wilson has conducted extensive research in patients with constipation. Her in-depth understanding of the way different foods affect the way the gut holds on to water has enabled her to help many patients to make simple changes to their diet to resolve constipation for good.
Sophie Medlin is highly experienced in helping patients to manage complex constipation, with over ten years’ experience in doing so.
Other non-diet related constipation solutions include the position you sit on the toilet and managing stress.
If medical treatment or investigations are needed, we will write to your GP.

Sophie Medlin

Dr Bridgette Wilson
What to Expect From Your Constipation Consultation
We will take time to thoroughly understand your medical history and will assess your diet. We will work with you to find a diet that manages your constipation while promoting good long term health.
Typically, this will involve three sessions, for example:
Session 1: Assessment and dietary modifications
Session 2: Assessment of progress and consideration of next steps
Session 3: Long term nutritional management and healthy eating
If tests or treatments are needed, we will liaise with your consultant or GP.
For people with bowel problems, we offer three appointments for £330, saving £30.
Read our frequently asked questions.
"Sophie's advice when I was experiencing constipation due to being pregnant was extremely helpful. Her expertise and professional manner were reassuring - a potentially embarrassing issue did not seem the case when I sat in her office! I appreciated Sophie's diet-direct approach to finding a solution for my symptoms. I wouldn't hesitate tor recommend Sophie."
"I’m hugely grateful for all of Dr. Bridgette's advice and support which I really feel has made a significant difference. I am actually eating more (of the right things!) and am enjoying food which is something I haven’t done for a long time.”